"The pen is mightier than the keyboard."
Pam Mueller and Daniel Oppenheimer

Meet Lady Q


Being seen in so few words, I’ve had to use my strengths…being genteel and diplomatic…to rise high! 

I was enrolled in etiquette school at an early age to learn proper behavior…how to “mind my p’s and q’s,” so to speak…no pun intended!

Grooming well was my mother’s mandate…thus my fetish for daily manicures and flashy jewelry!

Mother taught me well, always saying, “You can do anything you put your mind and heart to.” She was right. I graduated from my studies, poised and proud, impassioned to proclaim the true worth of us Cursive Letters!

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Kicked out from Society, the disgusted Cursive Letters whip up a magical scheme to prove their importance to Humanity, and with it, save the World!


Why The Book?

Since my childhood, I’ve been wildly enamored with cursive writing. I was in love with its curves…its swirls…its beauty! It was fun to write and made me happy! As a teacher, I taught it with love and passion to my 2nd graders! My Aunt CeCe had the best cursive ever! Every birthday card I got from her, I oogled and ahh-ed over. Cursive was my passion! It still is!

Time has moved on now. Where Cursive Writing was in the School Curriculum, Technology has replaced it. Students are graduating, knowing little or none of it. Many can’t even sign their names, much less read cursive.

Impassioned about this sad situation, I wrote The Cursive Letters Revolt. In less than an hour, I had penned a very animated, creative story, told through the Cursives’ eyes, of what could REALLY happen if cursive indeed was eeked off the planet! 

This book is a salute to just how IMPORTANT the Cursive Letters are to Society! I proclaim it’s time to join with them, and bring Cursive Writing back to the World!

Cursive can make children more intelligent.
Dr. William Klemm, “Memory Medic”