1 Simple Tip to Help You Get Smarter!


Got a minute? I want to show you how this 1 simple tip, when used, will help you get smarter.

Just doing it, can amp up your brain! Check it out!


Yes, I said it! Put down your phone and…PICK UP A PEN!

If you don’t have one, go out and get one.

Buy one you like…in your favorite color, your favorite ball point tip…

gel…rollerball…marker…and my favorite (remember this one?)…fountain pen!! Just get a pen!

Seeing the letters…touching the pen…using our fine motor skills…

and all the while our brain is synchronizing all kinds of data at the same time!

It’s like a cardio-spin workout for the brain!

Dr. William Klemm, the “Memory Medic,” even suggests “Cursive can provide similar benefits to the brain as learning to play a musical instrument.”

Wow! Forget the guitar! Grab pen and paper instead!


Get your favorite pen. First print your name four times.

Notice how you pick up your pen with each letter. It’s a more tedious task.

Now write your name in cursive four times. Did you notice how smooth your hand moved…more efficiently…faster?

And all the while, your brain was loving it!


Cursive is artistic and very individual.

I have my own signature and you have yours.

Back in the day, you were recognized by your handwriting. It was identified and associated with you.

Remember the high school yearbooks? You knew everyone’s penmanship back then!

It hasn’t changed. Our signature is STILL our signature.

So how about right now…today…exercise your individuality and amp up “YOU” with your cursive?


Take out a piece of paper AND your favorite pen (!) and write your FULL name in cursive 5 times.

Focus…take your time…relax…have fun with this!

Now look at your signatures. Which one is your favorite?

Your signature is YOU! It’s individual. No one else has it, but you!

Value and appreciate it. “It identifies you as much as your physical features do,”

says Alabama Republican Dickie Drake.


The better you get at it, people WILL notice!!

Cursive writing done well is IMPRESSIVE!

We all know of someone whose handwriting is beautiful.

My Aunt CeCe had the most gorgeous penmanship ever! I would moon over her cursive for hours, it seemed.

Hers was a beautiful craft that enchanted me! Whose cursive are you bedazzled by?

Practice your penmanship and watch for the compliments.

It’s a simple way to snazz up your influence, while being artistic and creative at the same time.

Cursive packs a punch!


For the next week, really purpose to put your cursive to work.

Write your lists out in cursive. Send somebody a card in cursive.

Doodle in cursive. Slow down and sign your name with pride.

Be thoughtful about every stroke you make. It is an artistic skill!


Remember that every time you put your pen to paper in cursive,

your brain is getting its “full body workout!


Cursive Writing is healthy and good for the brain!

Your own signature makes you individual. It’s yours alone! Value it!

Fire up your influence with your deliberate, esthetic script.

People notice and are impressed! It will bring you a feeling of satisfaction too!

Keep stoking your cursive strokes! Invite others to join in!


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