Hear Ye! Hear Ye! I’m on fire this summer to fan the flame of cursive writing! Come join me! Let’s stoke the embers and start an inferno!
With the influx of the mighty giant of technology, mandating cursive writing in the school curriculum has dwindled down to less than 30% of public schools actually teaching it.
Where it is taught, it’s taught sporadically and with little attention to mastering it. Teachers don’t have the time to teach it with the strong command the school districts put on them to teach the core standards for the state tests.
Students WANT to learn cursive. Many of them have wondered why they weren’t taught it. I know of younger co-workers of mine who can’t read or write cursive. What have we done?
We are one of the few countries in the world that does not teach cursive writing consistently and proficiently to their school-age citizens.
Spain is unique in its protocol as printing isn’t even taught in their schools. Instead, students learn cursive right out of the starting gate.
Hmmm…if our young adults don’t know how to read or write cursive and have NO signature, how are we preparing them for a successful future globally?
The receptionist in my chiropractor’s office said that when she helped at the voting polls, they allowed voters who were born after 2000, to sign their name by PRINTING it. What??
I remember when an “X” on the line was used if someone was illiterate. What are we truly creating with this situation of letting go of cursive?
Let’s start by writing in cursive more…talking about it with others…encouraging others to use their cursive…valuing it…writing more handwritten letters and cards…Let’s start a CURSIVE CRAZE!
Most of you know that I wrote a book, THE CURSIVE LETTERS REVOLT!! It was birthed from my passion for cursive. I took the Cursive Letters and created them as living and breathing entities. I wrote the book from their point of view…how they felt being taken out of Society.
They are an ingenuous group because they end up saving the world with the magical scheme they devise to prove their importance.
The book is creative…colorful…and fun!! My intention with it is that it be a catalyst to help bring cursive writing back to our United States.
I invite you to buy a book…give it away…use it to spread the word on the importance of cursive. Let’s start a CURSIVE CRAZE!!
To really stoke this inferno, I am offering a promocode…FANFLAME…on the cursive letters website……https://thecursivelettersrevolt.com/staging/ You can get my book at 25% ($5.00) off the original price! The promo goes through September.
It’s time to spread the word on cursive writing…to create a WILDFIRE!! My book is the spark!! Let’s get this thing IGNITED!!